Thursday, January 11, 2024

John Lesson 15 – John 11


Last time we learn the characteristics of false shepherds and good shepherds.  Jesus warned about false shepherds.  Jesus is the true Good Shepherd that laid down His life for the us; we are eternally secured in Him.

John 11:1-44 – Lazarus’ Resurrection

The raising Lazarus from the dead after he had been in the tomb for four days and his body beginning to decompose was Jesus’ most dramatic and powerful miracle in His ministry. 

Jesus had left the territory controlled by the Jews who were trying to kill Him.  He heard that His friend Lazarus was sick.  Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death.  No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.”John 11:4.  Jesus loved Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha.  Instead of rushing to heal Lazarus, Jesus delayed going to him for two days.  He arrived in Bethany on day four after Lazarus had died.  The sisters complained that if Jesus had come sooner their brother would not have died.  

Jesus knew Lazarus would live again.  He knew that the miracle He was about to perform would end in bringing glory to God.  He also knew that these events would bring Him closer to being arrested with the end result making the Son of God glorified in His death and resurrection.

Jesus’ always glorified God in all He did.  He didn’t let the pressure of His friends or loved ones dictate His decisions.  He didn’t make decisions based on emotions.  He made decisions based on what would glorify God, on accomplishing His work, and on helping others come to faith or to grow in faith.  By waiting two days before leaving for Bethany; there would be no doubt that Lazarus was dead.  Then when he was raised, it would bring more glory to God.

John 11:9-10 – The disciples were worried about returning to Jerusalem for their own safety and that Jesus may be killed.  He told them they have nothing to fear.  Like the sun protected them from stumbling in the dark so Jesus would protect them.  The twelve hours of daylight is a picture of Jesus’ physical presence in the world.  He has a limited time to be with them before He leaves the earth.  He is also telling us that when we walk in God’s will, we are walking in the light or walking in the daytime.  If we are out of His will, we don’t have light and we are walking in darkness; therefore we will certainly stumble.

In John 11:16 Thomas was willing to go and die with Jesus.  He made this commitment when he really didn’t understand the promise of resurrection.  He was showing love, devotion, and dedication to Jesus and the rest of the disciples.

Lazarus was in the tomb for four days so there was no doubt that Lazarus was dead and no hope of resuscitation.  Jesus deliberately waited until death was beyond all doubt making it clear He would be operating with divine power.  

Martha stated her disappointment in Jesus’ late arrival.  She knew if He had been there earlier, Lazarus would not have died.  Jesus told her that her brother would rise again.  She thought He was talking about rising in the resurrection at the last day.  Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.  Do you believe this?”John 11:25-26.  He is saying that HE IS THE ONLY WAY.  Salvation is found in no other.

Mary went out to meet Jesus and when He saw her crying, He was moved and He wept.  He wept out of love, compassion, and sympathy for the family.  This shows Jesus was truly human, He wasn’t ashamed of His emotions, and He identified with their sorrow.  He experienced grief and deep feelings just like us.  

He may have also wept because of the sin in the world that brings death to us all.  His tears give us a glimpse of how the Father feels over the grief of His children.  He also knew by raising Lazarus it would actually cause the religious leaders to finally take action to put him to death.  We don’t really know the inner distress Jesus was experiencing.  He was dreading His Father’s wrath that was about to come.  He was going to die a horrific death in order for you and me to have eternal life. 

Jesus went to Lazarus’ tomb and told them to take away the stone that covered the entrance.  In John 11:41 Jesus looked up and prayed with thanksgiving to God.  His purpose was for the benefit of the crowd.  By praying before the miracle, He was pointing to God giving Him the glory for the miracle that was about to happen.  A lesson for us is to be thankful even before God answers our prayers.  Prayer is central to Christian character.  It gives glory to Him and is the key defense against Satan’s temptations.  It protects us from sin and self.

After Jesus prayed, He cried out with authority, “Lazarus, come out!”John 11:43.  “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” John 11:44b.  Lazarus was brought back to life.

Not only did Jesus give the miraculous gift of physical life to Lazarus, He gives the miraculous gift of spiritual life to believers.  When we believe and trust in Him, our old self is crucified with Him and we are freed from the being slaves to sin.  He gives us eternal life; we will be united with Him in His resurrection. 

Principle:  When God seems to be doing nothing, He may be doing more than you could ever imagine.

John 11:45-57 – The Plot

There were different reactions and responses to Jesus’ miracle.  Many of the Jews saw what Jesus had done and believed in Him.  Some went and told the Pharisees.  The chief priests, Pharisees, and Sanhedrin were worried and called a meeting and plotted against Jesus.  They feared Rome and were concerned only with protecting their own interests.  They knew Jesus had performed miracles, but they still opposed Him as the Messiah.

In John 11:49-50 the high priest, Caiaphas gave an unconscious and involuntary prophecy that it was better for this one man die than for the people than for the whole nation to perish.  These were significant words because it prophesied that Jesus would die for all the world, even sinners.  From that day they plotted to put Jesus to death.  This was all in God’s plan. 

Jesus no longer walked openly among the Jews because it was not the appointed time for Him to die.  He went with His disciples to a region near the dessert. 

When it was almost time of the Passover, many went to Jerusalem for the ceremony.  The chief priests gave orders if anyone saw Jesus they were to report it so He could be arrested.

The reasons they wanted to kill Jesus was motivated by fear, resentment, and self-interest.  They wanted to stop what He was doing and prevent all men from believing in Him.  They thought it would save the nation of Israel from being destroyed. 

The true reason that Jesus had to die was to fulfill God’s eternal plan and to save people from eternal death.  We see this in John 3:16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Principle:  Jesus is the source of resurrection and eternal life.

Key verses:

“I am the resurrection and the life.  He who believes in me will live even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”John 11:25
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16

Next week we will study John 12.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus


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The Holy Bible NIV

Thursday, January 4, 2024

John Lesson 14 – John 10


Last time we learned that God uses suffering to demonstrate His power and grace. We saw this when Jesus healed the blind man both physically and spiritually. 

John 10:1-6 – Ture and False Shepherds

Why does the Bible often refer to people as sheep?  I think it’s because people are like sheep and are so easy to be led astray.  We are lazy and it seems we believe anything that sounds good without testing and proving it factual.  We don’t take the time to go to God's Word or to prayer for guidance.

Jesus told a parable about shepherds and sheep.  The Pharisees pretended to be shepherds of God’s people, but they were not true shepherds.  The Pharisees were considered thieves and robbers, because they were out for themselves, they led the people astray, and they refused to accept Jesus. 

Characteristics of false shepherds:  False shepherds tend to be cunning and use deception.  They are like robbers who break into your house and steal without your knowledge.  They don’t wear signs so they can be recognized.  They appear harmless and are able to deceive.  They don’t strengthen the weak or heal the sick.  They speak empty worthless words; in other words, they lie.  You need to be grounded in sound doctrine so you can know if their words are true.  You have to know and be able to defend from the Scriptures.  The Pharisees are great examples of false shepherds.  They claimed to speak for God, but lie.  They were only out for themselves.

Characteristics of good shepherds:  At night good shepherds would put their sheep up in a pen to keep them from danger of wild animals and thieves.  The shepherd would stay with his sheep during the day and sleep with them at night.  Shepherds could identify each sheep and would even give them a name.  The sheep know their shepherd and they know his voice.  They would follow him wherever he went.  They would never follow a stranger.  A good shepherd is loving, caring and has sacrificial service to his sheep.  He understands their needs.  He works tirelessly to provide protection and security.  He searches out his sheep when they stray and defends them against all enemies.  Jesus is our good Shepherd.

There are false shepherds or leaders today who pretend to know other ways to God.  These are like thieves.  The devil is like a thief.  He deceives people and tries to convince them that Jesus is not the only way to God.  Only Jesus can offer salvation.  Only Jesus gives us life.  Once you believe in Jesus you are safe.  The devil can never take away the eternal life that Jesus gives.

There are ways we can avoid false shepherds and stand firm when they try to deceive us:

Know the Word of God
Believe in the power of God
Rely on the Holy Spirit
Practice tough faith
Never give in to what you know is wrong
Order your priorities
Stand for righteousness
Be persistent in prayer
Surrender in worship
Always cling to hope

God will hold these false shepherds accountable, will remove them from tending the sheep, and will rescue the flock.  He will search for the sheep and look after them and give them good grazing with rich pasture.  He will tend His sheep.  He will search for the lost, bind up the injured, and strengthen the weak.  He will be the shepherd of justice. (Ezekiel 34:1-16).

Principle:  Jesus is the true Shepherd that warns the flock about false shepherds.

What is keeping you from recognizing the voice of Jesus, the True Shepherd?

How has He had your best interest in mind?
If you are a leader or shepherd, are you teaching biblical truths?
Do you have your sheep’s best interest in mind?
Do you strengthen the weak and point them to Jesus?

John 10:7-21 – Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jesus called Himself the Gate or the Door for His sheep.  “…. I am the gate for the sheep.”John 10:7.  This means He is the gate to heaven.  In John 14:6 He said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one come to the Father except through me.”

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”John 10:10

  “I am the good shepherd.  The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” John 10:11.  “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” John 10:14

John 10:11-15 describe the actions and attitudes of a good shepherd.  He knows his sheep and is known by his sheep.  He even will sacrifice his own life for his sheep.

In John 10:16 Jesus talked about other sheep.  These other sheep are the Gentiles.  Jesus came to save the Gentiles as well as the Jews.  He will save everyone who believes in Him no matter who they are or where they are or what nationality they are.  All Christians belong to God’s family and Jesus is the Shepherd.

In John:17-18 Jesus talked about laying down His life.  The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him and He knew He had to die to save the people.  This was God’s plan.  Jesus obeyed and loved God.  No one forced Him to do this.  He went willing to the cross.  He knew He would be resurrected on the 3rd day, which was also God’s plan.

Jesus’ Words should encourage us and can be applied today.  Believers are His sheep.  We follow the Good Shepherd, because we know His voice.  The Gate is Jesus who gives us access to God.  Those who do not believe and teach untruths are thieves and robbers. 

Principle:  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.

John 10:22-33 – Eternally Secure

Jesus went to the Feast of Dedication festival.  The Jewish leaders wanting to kill Jesus asked Him if He was the Christ (John 10:24).  Jesus never answered them with a yes or a no.  Instead He spoke about the miracles as the evidence of who He was.  He spoke again about the shepherd and the sheep.  His sheep were all the people who believed in Him.  The leaders didn’t believe and were so stubborn that they even refused to believe in the miracles they had seen.

Then Jesus made a promise to all who believed in Him.  He promised He would always look after them and that not even death could separate them from Him.  “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”John 10:28.  This is such a comfort because He didn’t say you had to be good enough or have perfect faith.  All you have do to is believe.  Jesus gives security to all who believe in Him.

Do you believe in Jesus?

Do you hear Jesus’ voice?
Do you know Jesus and does He know you?
How secure are you in your salvation?

Jesus claimed to be in complete unity with God.  They share the same thoughts, desires, and qualities.  “I and the Father are one.” John 10:30.  The Pharisees wanted Him to say it clearly who He was and He did.  Here the Bible states clearly that Jesus is certainly God.  This truth about Jesus is of ultimate importance for us today, because there can be no mistake that Jesus if God! 

After reading this do you still doubt that Jesus is God?

They picked up stones to stone Him because He made Himself equal with God.  They tried to seize Him, but God prevented it.  He escaped because it was not yet Him time. 

He knew He would have to die soon, but the time was not now.  He left Jerusalem not because of fear, but to prepare Himself for His return to Jerusalem for His cross.  Many people followed realizing that John the Baptist’s prophecies were right.  They decided to believe because of all the evidence.

Jesus willing gave His life for us.  No one made Him do it.  He had the authority to die and the authority to rise again.  It was all up to Him.  He is God!

Jesus described a true believer:

My sheep hear my voice.
I know them.
They follow me.
I give them eternal life.
They will never perish.
No one can snatch them from my hand.

Are you a true believer?

Principle:  Jesus’ sheep are eternally secured.

John 10:34-42 – Division in the Crowd

Jesus offered validating proof that He spoke for God.  In the Old Testament judges were called gods.  Jesus said since that was the case, why would they consider it blasphemy that He call Himself the Son of God.  They again tried to seize Him, but He escaped.

God’s power and plan offers us hope.  He is always in control and has a plan for each of our lives; nothing can stop Him.  Jesus is God and is always with us as our Good Shepherd.

Jesus went back across the Jordan and there many people came to believe in Him.  It’s like that in our world today.  There are many who reject Him and many who believe.  Which group are you in?

Principle:  God’s power and plan offers hope.

Key verses: 

“I am the gate” – John 10:7, 9
“I am the good shepherd”John 10:11, 14
“I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”John 10:28.
“I and the Father are one.” John 10:30

WOW!  Love the book of John.  Next week we will study John 11.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus.


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The Holy Bible NIV

Friday, December 8, 2023

John Lesson 13 – John 9

Last time we learned Jesus offers grace to broken sinners who repent and that true freedom comes from knowing Christ through genuine faith and abiding in His Word.  We also learned that Jesus is the Messiah, the Light of the world.

John 9:1-34 – Physically Blind

Jesus passed a man who was blind from birth.  His disciples wanted to know if he was blind because of something he or his parents did.  Perhaps they were thinking of the Old Testament Ex. 34:5-7 where it says God does not leave the guilty unpunished, but punishes their children and their children’s children to the 3rd and 4th generations.

Jesus redirected their wrong thinking and answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned.  But this happened so God’s work might be displayed in his life.”John 9:3.  Jesus used the man’s blindness as an opportunity to tell them that He must continue to do the work of God, because the time will come He will not be here on earth.  Jesus said, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”John 9:5.  Then He spit on the ground, made mud, and put it on the man’s eyes.  The man was healed; now he could see. 

God’s work is showing His glory, His goodness, His love, His wisdom, His beauty, and His power in awesome ways - in the middle of sickness, in the middle of special needs, in the middle of disabilities.  He won’t stop until His work is done.  Jesus always brings glory to God by completing the work God gave Him to do and is still at work today.  

The blind man is a picture of the condition of everyone since man’s fall.  Unbelievers lack the ability to see Jesus spiritually, just like the man lacked the ability to see physically.  Everyone is born spiritually blind.  The punishment for sin is death not suffering.  God made a way to take that punishment.  He sent Jesus.  He took on our punishment on the cross so we wouldn’t have to. 

Some suffering is a natural part of life.  Sometimes we think people are responsible for their own suffering, which is sometimes true.  The choices we make can cause us or those we love to suffer.  But God doesn’t punish them.  Is a child’s suffering because of a parent’s sin?  Sometimes they do, because of the choices the parents make.  If parents are alcoholics or are doing drugs, their children suffer.  

Jesus’ healing of the blind man was an astounding miracle.  He was blind from birth.  He didn’t ask Jesus to heal him, but Jesus had compassion and was focused on doing God’s work.  He was always teaching and showing His power.  Jesus said suffering happens so the gospel can display the glory of God. 

There is nothing impossible with God.  There is always hope.  We just need to keep trusting and praying even when it seems hopeless.

The man’s neighbors questioned his healing.  They didn’t think he was the one who was blind since birth.  The man insisted he was that man.  His parents were even questioned, but were afraid of being put out of the synagogue.  They told the Pharisees to go and ask him themselves.  The Pharisees question the man and asked who healed him, but didn’t like his answers.  The Pharisees were so angry with the man that they threw him out of the temple because he defended Jesus.

John 9:35-41 – Spiritually Blind

Jesus heard what they had done and went to find the man.  We see the progression of the man’s faith.  First he said the One who healed him was a man, then a prophet and finally he said that it was Jesus.  He said if Jesus wasn’t from God, He could do nothing.  Jesus asked the man if he believed in the Son of Man and told the man who He was.  The man believed and worshiped Him.

Jesus first gave him physical sight and then spiritual sight.  Jesus said “For judgment I have come into this world so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.”John 9:39  This means that those who are blind admit their need, and trust in God, are those who will be granted sight.  Those who do not believe are arrogant and presume they already know everything like the Pharisees, will be hardened by the Jesus and incapable of understanding what they don’t want to understand anyway.

The Pharisees were spiritually blind.  They knew better.  They knew the Scriptures and the prophecies, but refused to believe.  We were blind to sin before we believed, but once we believed our sins were revealed. 

Believers were persecuted then and are persecuted now.  Christians are being killed and persecuted all over the world.  We don’t see as much in America, but we see rejection from family, friends and society because of our faith.  It hurts our hearts, but we can lean on God’s strength.  Then our faith will grow.  Do not give up, but cling to Him.


Suffering happens so the gospel can display the glory of God.
Jesus is the almighty Savior who can open blind eyes for God’s glory.
God uses suffering to demonstrate His power and grace.
Jesus can heal physically and spiritually.

How have you stood up for Jesus?

Do you refuse to believe who Jesus is?
What is keeping you from opening your eyes to sin in your life?
What do you need Jesus to heal you from?
Has Jesus healed your spiritual blindness?

Key verse:  “I am the light of the world.”John 9:5

Next week we will study John 10.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site.  – I encourage you to trust in Jesus


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The Holy Bible NIV

Saturday, December 2, 2023

John Lesson 12 – John 8


Last time we saw that many were confused about who Jesus was, although there were many who put their faith in Him.  The religious leaders tried to seize Him, but no one could lay a hand on Him because His time had not yet come.

We also learned that we are to follow Jesus’ example.  He offers living water.  When we believe in Jesus, streams of living water will flow in us.  When we come to Jesus we put our faith in Him, we trust Him, we rely on Him, and we cling to Him.

John 8:1-11 – The Adulteress Woman

Jesus was teaching in the temple when the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery to Him.  They told Jesus that the law commanded such women were to be stoned; they were trying to trap Jesus.  Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with His finger.  He said, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7.  Then he continued writing on the ground.  When they heard this, they began to walk away one by one.  There was no one left but the woman and Jesus.  Jesus then told the woman to go and leave her sinful life behind. (John 8:1-11)

These leaders weren’t really concerned for the woman, but in trapping Jesus.  They interrupted His teaching wanting to make it as public as possible.  They wanted to embarrass both the woman and Jesus.  They used her sin as a weapon against Jesus while ignoring their own sin.

Here we learn a lot about Jesus.  He didn’t rush to speak, but took His time by writing on the ground.  He was loving, patient, kind, fair, all knowing and forgiving.  We learn instead of throwing rocks at sinners, He loves and restores them.  He shows us we need to be forgiving.  We are to be gentle and humble when confronting someone of their sin.  We should not think ourselves better than someone else.  We should look at our own sin and not judge others.  When we gossip, that is like throwing stones at someone.

What sin do you need God’s help to defeat?

What was Jesus writing on the ground?  We really don’t know.  Maybe He was writing some of the sins of those who were condemning her.  Or maybe He was just giving them time to think about what they were doing using this time to convict their hearts.

Jesus’ words in verse 11 show He was concerned about her sin as He is with our sin.  Jesus has a heart for sinners and wants all to repent and turn to God.  Sin always matters, because God hates sin.  God will always forgive our sin if we are sincerely sorry, but we must not continue in that sin.  We can ask Him to help us with the sin in our life and He will help us defeat it.

We’ve all been caught in the act of sin.  Even if we manage to keep our sin hidden from others, God knows our every sinful thought.  He knows every swear word we’ve said and every hateful thought we’ve had.  Religious people are just as guilty of sin as immoral people are.  We all sin.  None of us is perfect.  Only Jesus is the perfect One.  James 2:10 tells us whoever keeps the whole law, which is all 10 commandments, but stumbles at just one is guilty of breaking all of the laws.  We tend to rationalize our own sin.  Of course we shouldn’t tolerate others sin, but we also should not condemn them either.  We should restore them by being gentle and humble.

Are you more concerned about someone else’s sin than your own?

Do you throw stones of gossip?

Principle:  Jesus offers grace to broken sinners who repent.

John 8:12-30 – Jesus is The Light of the World

Jesus spoke again to the people and told them, “I am the light of the world.  Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”John 8:12.

Jesus gives valid testimony of Himself.  He said He passes judgment on no one.  If He does, then His decisions are right because the Father stands with Him.  In their own law if 2 men testify then the testimony is valid.  Jesus testifies for Himself and the Father is the other who testifies. (John 8:12-18)

When Jesus says, “I am the light of the world”, He means He is able to shine the pure light of truth into hearts and consciences of everyone who believes on Him.  He is the exclusive source of spiritual light.  He can expose the sin that lurks within everyone.  He came to open eyes to the truth, to enlighten, and to show the way of salvation.  We are to walk in the light as He is in the light and we are to point lost souls to the One who lightens the darkness in lifeless souls.

Verses 13-20 lists the witnesses Jesus gave that prove His testimony is valid.  He reminded them that their own Law was written that the testimony of two men is valid.  He is His own witness; the other witness is the Father, who sent Him.

Jesus explained how He was different from the people in verses 23-24.  He said that He was from heaven above and they were from the world below and they would die in their sins if they did not believe in Him. 

They asked Him, “Who are you?” John 8:25.   He answered that He was sent by the Father who is reliable and that He speaks for the Him.  Jesus doesn’t make mistakes as people do.  His judgment is always fair.  He thinks just like His Father and God is never wrong, but perfect in every way. 

Jesus told them that they don’t know Him or His Father.  He said He is going away, where they cannot come.  He is speaking to those who do not believe.  He is going to heaven and unless they believe in Him they cannot join Him in heaven.  He said they are from below and He is from above.  They are from this world and He is from heaven.  They will die in their sins if they didn’t believe He is who He claimed to be. (John 8:19-26)

Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am the one I claim to be, and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me.  The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me along…” John 8:28-29.  He is talking about when they would put Him on the cross they would realize who He really is.  He said God would never leave Him alone.  This was His purpose and God’s plan.  God would be with Him just as He is with us in all circumstances.

Is Jesus the light of your life?

Will you reject Jesus’ claim because you don’t want the Light exposing your sin?
Will you follow Him by trusting Him as your Savior?

Principle:  Jesus is the Light of the world.

In order to go to heaven we must:

Believe in Jesus as He is revealed in scripture.
Believe in Jesus as the eternal God, sent to earth by the Father. 
Believe that Jesus lived a sinless life in total dependence on the Father. 
Believe that Jesus was lifted up on the cross to die as the substitute for your sins.  Believe that Jesus was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. 
Believe in Jesus while there is still time.   

John 8:31-47 – True Freedom

To the Jews who believed He said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”John 8:31-32.  They answered Jesus by saying they were Abraham’s descendants and were never slaves.  Jesus told them that everyone who sins is a slave to sin.  Yes, they were Abraham’s descendants, but they were ready to kill Jesus.  They said Abraham was their father.  Jesus then told them if Abraham was their father, they would do as he did.  Even Abraham knew the Messiah was coming and looked forward to it.

Never slaves?  The Bible tells us they were enslaved by the Egyptians, by Babylonians, by the Assyrians and even now under the Romans.  Jesus said if you commit sin, you are a slave to sin.  Of course they were talking about physical slaves, but Jesus was talking about spiritual slaves.

They didn’t understand what Jesus meant.  They were under the Roman rule, but were not slaves.  Jesus pointed out that they were really slaves because of sin.  The freedom Jesus offers is spiritual freedom from the bondage of sin.  Sin controls people and guides how they act.  It affects how they behave.  Jesus is God’s Son and can stop sin’s power over a person.  He alone has the authority to let people join God’s family. 

Have you chosen to be a slave or a child of God?

Jesus said they failed to recognize Him because they didn’t belong to God.  All mankind is either a child of God or of the devil.  If you have not received Jesus by faith then you are a child of the devil.  God has offered you a way to be in His family – believe in Jesus as you Lord and Savior.

Jesus offers us freedom.  True freedom comes from knowing Christ through genuine faith and abiding in His Word.  Freedom to know that when we sin (and we know we all do since we are not perfect) we are forgiven.  We don’t have to worry about it.  We will mess up from time to time, but if we are followers of Jesus we are set free from sin’s penalty.  “For there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Rom. 8:1

What sin are you trying to hide from God?

Do you want to experience this freedom Jesus offers?

If you don’t have this freedom, ask God to give it to you.  Pray specifically about the sin that is keeping you in bondage.  It may be lust, gambling, alcohol, food, etc.  Whatever it is, Jesus can break this bondage of sin.

In John 8:37-44 Jesus challenged them to proudly claim Abraham as their father by doing the things Abraham.  Instead they wanted to kill Him for telling the truth that He heard from God.

We can distinguish between the truth of God and the lies of Satan by examining the Scriptures.  If it goes against Scripture, it’s from Satan.  Also you can ask yourself, “What would Jesus do”.

Principle:  True freedom comes from knowing Christ through genuine faith and abiding in His Word.

John 8:48-59 – Jesus is I Am

They became more and more angry with Jesus.  They tried to insult Him by calling Him a Samaritan and demon-possessed.  Jesus told them He was not demon-possessed, but honors His Father and does not seek glory for Himself. 

John 8:51 – Jesus said if anyone keeps His word, he will never see death.  This means that believers will never see eternal death but will have eternal life and will never be separated from God.

He told them even Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing His coming one day meaning that he had hope, desire, and great expectation that he would see the promised Messiah  (John 8:56).  The Jews said you aren’t yet 50 years old and you have seen Abraham? 

John 8:58 – He said, “... before Abraham was born, I am!”  Jesus is claiming to be the Messiah, the One who Abraham saw by faith.  He existed even before Abraham existed; Jesus was foretold to be the promised Messiah.  This enraged the leaders so they attempted to stone Him.

How do you start being a follower of Jesus?  First confess and repent of your sins.  Accept Him as your Savior.  Then start by abiding in the Word of God – read it, study it, and pray it.  If you are faithful to this, you will know the truth.  God will help you understand it.  You will have eternal life in heaven with Him.

Jesus calls Himself, “I Am”.  This is the name God revealed for Himself to Moses in Exodus 3:14.  It means He is eternal and has always existed and will exist forever.  He is “the one who is, and who was, and who is to come” (Rev. 4:8).  He is the beginning and the ending – the Alpha and the Omega.  He is everything and everywhere.  Jesus is God; He is the Great I AM.

Jesus’ claims:

John 8:49-50 – Jesus claimed honor to His Father and to seek His glory.
John 8:46 – Jesus claimed He kept God’s word perfectly.
John 8:54 – Jesus claimed the Father glorified Him.
John 8:56 Jesus claimed that Abraham rejoiced to see His day.
John 8:58 – Jesus claimed to be God and pointed to His preexistence.

We face the same choice the Jews faced; either Jesus was a blasphemer or He is God.

Do you believe that Jesus is God?

Do you believe all that He says is true?
Will you rejoice at Jesus’ second coming?
What difference should it make in your life?

Principle:  Jesus is the Messiah.

Key verses:

“I am the light of the world.”John 8:12
“The truth will set you free.”John 8:32

Next week we will study John 9.  Have a blessed day and thanks for visiting my site. – I encourage you to trust in Jesus


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The Holy Bible NIV